Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Who IS this VAPID WHORE and why should we CARE?

Alright... I have reached critical mass concerning dealing with psudo-celebrity bulls**t. The newest "wanna- be- famous" ass to become a blip on my radar screen... Karrine "Superhead" Seffans (No, I will not desecrate my page with a link to her site... Google her yourself, dammit).

"Who?" You may ask. That is EXACTLY my point.

It seems that this chick's claim to fame is scandalous at best... sordid in truth.

You may have seen this 'lovely lady' grace such cinematic heavyweight pieces such as Mystikal's "Shake It Fast" video (now there's someone who can launch your 'career'), numerous Jay-Z videos (each one distincitve in their own right) and the boxoffice smash "A Man Apart" starring alongside Ice T and Larenz Tate.
But the above listed credits are not her preferred modus operandum toward garnering fame and fortune.
No, no... she is more commonly known among her friends (clients) as SUPERHEAD. No, this name does not suggest and amazing intellect and acadmic prowess (though she claims to have been blessed with both in addition to 'stunning beauty'). Rather, the name suggests exactly the not so innocent behavior you are thinking about. You naughty thing you. ;)

It seems this girl's claim to fame is that she has been invovled in many sordid sexual trysts with many promintent members of the hip-hop community and Hollywood celebrities. Seems she's left her lipstick print on the underwear of everyone whose video she has appeared in, certain Hollywood playboys and some players in the NBA. Yeesh!

Apparently, the lovely Karrine has come out with a tell all book exposing every dirty, nasty detail. Talk about kissing and telling.... hmmm... more like f**king and telling... EVERYBODY. In the whole world. I hope Usher has his lawyer ready... and has been to the clinic for a check up. She was apparently his "Christmas Present" from a member of that pointless group of people that follow him around... you know, the ever important entourage.
I can hear Usher now..."Yo Dawg! Good lookin out! Thanks for the case of herpes!" Actually, she writes that every time she and Usher hit the sheets, he used a condom. Well at least he knew he was bangin' a skank whore. Or as one person put it "the most delightfully well used orfice in hip-hop and Hollywood."

In addition, this "Sperm Depository" is going to make money off of selling the rights to her book for a movie deal. So I guess now she can be classified as a "high class" whore. Maybe we can even upgrade her status to prostitute. It took a little while and a few thousand "tricks," but she's finally going to get paid for all of her hard work.
My major concern about all of this is the fact that she has a 6 year old son. What are the repercussions of mommy dearest revealing all of her dirt to the world going to be for this young man? This ignorant boob has failed to consider the fact that her son is most likely going to be tormented with comments like "I heard your mommy f**ked P.Diddy... and Jay-Z.... and Jadakiss... you're mommy is a ho." Sadly, its the truth. And one way or another, its going to hurt him. Look out future leaders of America... you may have a sexual preditor on your hands in years to come.

Oh, and apparently, she is in a "very satisfying" relationship with none other than Bill Maher. YIKES! Billy Boy, have yourself tested for every STD known to man, ape and swine IMMEDIATELY!!!!

What is the world coming to... Vapid Whores having attention paid to them for being... well... WHORES.

I've spent enough time lacerating this B***H. She deserves no more of my precious time.

This time-- I AM A HATER... AND PROUD OF IT.


Anonymous said...

girl girl girl... Hate on... I heard the of that ho on 105 here in ny. She blamed her childhood and all that mess. Glad star blasted her about the book being about ghetto and targeted towards women of color.. It was a garbage book and glad U wrote what U wrote .... keep it up

Anonymous said...

I think that her reality is unfortunately the reality for many women….since the conception of FAME there has been this lifestyle, so many people have had the ability and outlet to tell their story, why should she not have the right to tell hers? What I wonder is why is everyone so outraged by it? It’s been going on, someone’s just putting words to it, perhaps now young women who idealize this lifestyle can really get an opportunity to see it; inside and out and come to realize before they fall into it, that it’s not exactly what they thought it was or what they want.

Although the entire truth of the story may be up for discussion I think it takes a lot of guts to own up to what you have done, especially things in hindsight you know would make people hold you in a different light….SO what if you want to make money for it? Not that I recommend her path, it’s just really annoying that everyone wants to judge her for it…if we took a peak in anyone’s bedroom I’m sure their some freak things they would want to hide, so your better because you do? Because you don’t have as many partners? Because he’s your man? (and trust me committed men DO sometimes cheat) whatever makes you sleep better at night…

The Humanity Critic said...

Just passing through, I'm liking the blog by the way.

Blackberry Molasses/The Rebel Intellectual said...

Thanks for the love... and the criticism. Its not that I'm generally hating on her...ok, yes I am. Why shouldn't I? Her book is nothing more than a shallow name-dropping expose. She doesn't dole out any "lessons" for young women... she just tells the world about all the nasty stuff she's done and who she's done (or doing) it with. Great. She's making money by being a whore. I congratulate her for entering the oldest profession in the world. Also, as a young upwardly mobile woman, I find her entire existence OFFENSIVE to me and all respectable women of the world. I'M HATIN!!!HAAARD!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow..that's fairly serious...however as wrong as it may be, let stupid people be stupid. If you don't want to be exposed to it, then don't read her books or watch the videos she appears in. However you are a wonderful writer and this was so well written...and I'm glad you aren't as stupid and triflin as she is...